Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Our first week of our senior year!

Well, it's that time again. Provo is FULL of crazy drivers, every slot in apartments is taken, and football is all most people talk about for a few months. It's crazy that I could be graduating in April (it could also be August)! Taylor is technically a senior...but you see he spent two years in Guatemala serving the Lord so he has a good excuse to be behind :)

 I heard many people say how long and hard their first week of school was. Now, I'm not always a Positive Polly, but I have to say I completely disagree with those who didn't like their first week.

You see, last time I was in school I was planning a wedding, then I got married, then got injured at dance. I honestly forgot how fun being in school can be. 

Basically this is our first week in a nutshell: 

  • Got called to teach primary the day before school started...which we really are sooooo excited about! 
  • Took a "first day of school" photo of both of us, against Taylor's will.
  • Realized that I'm one of maybe ten upperclassmen in my physical science class #procrastination
  • Helped surprise one of my best friends Holly with a surprise party. It was SO great. We totally got her! 
  • Learned that Batman is the favorite superhero of almost every person in my physical science lab (don't you love "getting to know you" games??...)
  • Discovered these babies:

  • Attended BYU's first game of the season. 
  • Watched our friend Kaneakua (#82) score not one, but TWO touchdowns in that game! 
  • Discovered that we have AWESOME non-rotated seats for the game. 
  • Discovered that we also sit by the (I don't know how to be nice about this...they really pushed my limits!) most annoying people ever at the games. (I'm not being dramatic I promise! I went to a high school that practically worshipped football so I know how crazy people can be at games...but these guys were just not very considerate to others. And for sure not respectful) So we'll see what happens at the next game :/ 
  • Enjoyed a cookout with my family and grandparents for Labor Day 
  • Spent a few lazy hours with each other watching movies and enjoying each others company. 
Welp guys, here's to another great school year that's starting. Enjoy your classes and schedules, cuz I sure enjoy mine! And that's all. 

*happy that I still get a few late-rise mornings with this semester's schedule. thank goodness! (i heart comfy comfys). 

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